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Menopause Awareness for Colleagues

29 August 2023 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Delivered by Menopause Friendly Workplace Training, the Menopause Awareness Training Session for Colleagues is for those who are experiencing menopause themselves, or providing support for a partner, family member, friend or colleague.

In this engaging, inclusive and highly interactive session, we help colleagues to understand:

  • What menopause is, how to recognise the symptoms and how someone might be affected by menopause
  • The options available to manage symptoms and long-term health
  • What support is available and how to access it, in work and outside work

As a Level 2 Menopause Friendly member, you and your Menopause Friendly project team can access this session for FREE.

Join to gain awareness, understand what is covered in awareness sessions and how this could help your organisation.

After registering, you’ll receive a confirmation email with an email calendar attachment. Please check your junk and add membersupport@menopausefriendly.com.au to your safe sender list so you recieve all emails from us.


29 August 2023
10:00 am - 11:00 am AEDT
Event Category: